An Update and Hopefully More to Come

Yep, it's been a while. So my last post was almost 6 months ago ( and coincidentally on my birthday too!) and you might be wondering what moved me to finally start writing in this blog again? Well, in my search for looking for student experiences in sitting for the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) exam, which is requirement for international medical graduates (IMG) interested in working in the United Kingdom (UK), I came across a blog by one of my super seniors blog and decided to write again. It's also because I write long-ass sentences like that which make are difficult to comprehend. I want to say I've been extremely busy and haven't been able to do stuff like writing in this blog but that was only true for the earlier part of the year. Currently, I'm in my fourth year of medical school ( self-pat on the back for surviving ) and in my Psychiatry posting. Not much has happened this year except for the fact that I am now unsure about whether I ...